EPHESIANS 4:11-13, LUKE 4:18, ISAIAH 58:12 & MATTHEW 28:18-20


LOVE - God IS LOVE, so our foundation as believers in Christ Jesus is rooted and developed in His agape love. It is our desire that we not only know God, but to experience the Father's unconditional love for us each and every day. We are very passionate about our expressions of love throughout our relationships with one another in our homes and church through giving and sharing, such that God's love is tangibly felt through us so that others will be drawn to Christ. Therefore, LOVE is vital to our Christian family experience.

FAMILY- In God's infinite wisdom, He created the world with family as core of His Kingdom. Our biblical-based family values lay the foundation for all relationships, including and beginning with our relationship with our Creator, God the Father as He reconciled us into personal relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. It is essential that we focus on marriage and family in order to remain healthy and vital in advancing God's agenda on earth through meaningful, purposeful and relational family values here on earth.

DOCTRINE - Sound biblical doctrine is key component to growth, stability, and solid understanding of the Truth of God's plans and desires for us to live out our purpose and divine assignments. Sound doctrine therefore becomes our spiritual blueprint for all behaviors, attitudes, world-views and global perspectives in how we live out our mandate to Reach, Teach, Lead, others to their Destiny in Jesus Christ.

EQUIPPING - Ephesians 4 identifies the Church (Body) as needing to be "equipped" and discipled in order to be perfected in the things of God, that will produce oneness in His Church. Jesus left clear instructions and divinely purposed five-fold ministry gifts to carry out the roles to edify the Body of Christ until we all come into the unity of the faith. Equipping is training that not only empowers believers, but ensures purposeful (God-ordained) outcomes and successes that will produce oneness and unity.


We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, the infallible rule of faith and conduct. (2 Timothy 3:15-17)

We believe in the Triune God – the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit (II Cor. 13:14)

We believe man was created in the image of God, but by voluntary disobedience he fell from perfection and it separated us from relationship with God. (Romans 5:12)

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, the incarnation of the Father, born of a virgin, by whom all things were created (John 1:1-5;I John 1:1-10)

We believe in the Salvation plan of Jesus Christ shed blood in that Christ died for us as sinners on the cross and third day was resurrected, purchasing a pardon for all who believe in Him. (Romans 5:8 and John 3:16)

We believe that prayer and communion with God is essential to the Christian lifestyle, and is the foundation establishing and fulfilling God’s divine plan in the earth. (Philippians 4:6-7)

We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that fills the believer and empowers us to live a Christian life pleasing to God and to demonstrate His love in the earth. (Acts 2:4)

We believe in two holy ordinances: 1. Water baptism by full immersion as our personal acceptance and personal identification with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and 2. Holy Communion, which is the commemoration of the Lord’s last supper with His apostles by the symbolic use of bread for Jesus’ body and juice representing the Lord’s blood. (Matthew 28:19 and I Corinthians 11:24-25)

We believe in divine healing and deliverance from all influences of sin through the power of God and the work of Jesus’ Christ at the cross. (Luke 4:18 and James 5:14-16)

We believe sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is both a privilege and the great commission, so winning souls to Christ is our primary mission of the Church. (James 5:20 and Matthew 28:18-20)

We believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and each member uniquely equipped to supply all the needs of the church. (I Corinthians 12:1-11)

We believe in the apostolic mission of five-fold ministry gifting to the Church for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edification of the Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

We believe in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit as the character of a holy God and we should endeavor to walk “in the Spirit” in our daily lives. (Galatians 5:22-25)

We believe that giving is an essential part of the vitality of the Church and that all believers should bring their offerings and tithes in support of its mission. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9)